The pick up and return of your cat is possible depending on time availiability, the fee is based on the mileage.
Castration and Spaying Stays
What it is about: Castration of your cat, however useful and necessary is a big upheaval for a busy family, emotionally. We can provide a safe and calm enviromnent for your cat after the operation. We are offering a castration and spaying service in co-operation with our local vet. The operation is usually done in the morning, the cat is then transported to us in a large cage and the eye drops are administered every 20 minutes until the cat starts coming out of the anasthetic and is blinking. This is to prevent the cornea drying out. When the cat starts moving around the cage he or she is provided with water and dietary food. The cage is then taken to the hotel room where a safe environment is provided with blankets, a low level bed and a toilet. The cat remains there until recovery and for the duration of its stay. Tom cats can go home the next day, she cats need to stay two days longer.
CASTRATION STAY FOR TOMS 2500CZK (includes the catration fee and two days stay all inclusive)
CASTRATION STAY FOR QUEENS 3500CZK (includes the spaying fee and four days stay all inclusive)
The price of accommodation:
Day 1 to 3 – 450Kč a day (including food)
Day 4 to 7 – 400Kč a day (including food)
Other days – 350Kč a day (including food)
Your own food – discount of 50Kč per day
The second cat in the same room – 350Kč a day (including food)
Shower and comb – 200Kč